Board@ Family instructions

Description Video

Welcome to the Board@ Family. You can find further instructions in the following videos.


Follow the service platform of Board@ on Wechat

Download and install POT in computer

Set the device online

Unpack(attach stickers)

Working scenario – Speech mode

Open POT on computer

Start the conference and generate a conference number

Inform all participants of the conference number

Working scenario – Discussion mode

Scan the QR code on the white board

Click on the Head Button and get the conference number on Wechat Service Platform

Inform all participants of the conference number

Start the conference

Open the Wechat Service Platform of Board@

Enter"@+Conference Number"

正Officially start the conference

Document the conference

Open the Wechat Service Platform of Board@

Click on "More Operations"

Find "Highlight Record"

Screenshots will be automatically collected